第二次世界大战的战场是每个理查德·福尔摩斯 (Richard Holmes) 粉丝一直在等待的。在这篇引人入胜且清晰明了的第二次世界大战研究中,他阐明了其中四场战役的复杂性:阿拉曼战役、蒙特卡西诺战役、市场花园行动(阿纳姆是其中的关键部分)和英国皇家空军对德国的轰炸机攻势。这本书源于他坚信,英国军人所做出的牺牲没有得到适当的理解。它使用目击者的陈述来阐明战争的恐怖、混乱和绝对的严重性,并将其置于冲突更广泛战略的背景下。随着战争烙印如此深刻的 20 世纪逐渐过去,现在是认识到许多男人和女人为自由付出的代价的时候了。

Battlefields of the Second World War is what every Richard Holmes fan has been waiting for. In this fascinating and brilliantly articulated study of the Second World War, he clarifies the complexities of four of its campaigns: El Alamein, Monte Cassino, Operation Market Garden (of which Arnhem formed a crucial part) and the RAF’s bomber offensive against Germany. The book originates in his firm conviction that the sacrifices made by British services personal are not properly understood. It uses eyewitness accounts to illuminate the horror, confusion and sheer enormity of war, and puts this in the context of the conflict’s broader strategy. As the twentieth century, so deeply marked by war, slips away, this is the time to recognize the price so many of its men and women paid for freedom.


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