现在,我们要利用现有的各种技术,对这个大家耳熟能详的故事进行探究,进行科学的分析…我们将从伊拉克的考古遗迹中探寻证据,我们也会找出证据证明,在上古时代,确实有着一场可以摧毁全人类的 大洪水…..
“A great flood would leave a signature. It would be a very very large signature apparent all over the world. There is no such signature. There’s no evidence, in fact there is only overwhelming evidence to the contrary.” Ian Plimer, Geologist
According to the Bible, a global flood occurred about 5000 years ago and after the catastrophe, Noah and his family landed in the Mountains of Ararat. Geologically –and logically–, is it possible to believe such a story?
Archaeological datas show that the deluge is a different version of Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh and the king in the story who survived the flood was turned into Noah by the Jewish priests.
This is the true story of a famous epic found in the Bible, the Koran and the Torah.


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