A documentary potted history of WW2, the novelty here is that most of the film has been “colorized”. The maker does not like to use this word and prefers to say “restored” but to all intents and purposes it is seeing the war in colour that makes it more gory and emotional. Explosions, bodies, speeches, ruins, bombs, it’s all there and by the end of the sixth and last episode you are completely drained ! It is difficult to imagine how so much grief, damage disaster horror can be caused at the beginning by such a small number of people. Apparently, over 700 hours of film were examined before selecting the final product which is 6 x 52 minute episodes.

第1集:侵略 希特勒霸权的崛起
第2集:溃败 法兰西的崩溃
第3集:震撼 大屠杀的起源
第5集:反击 盟军的反攻
第6集:炼狱 罪魁伏诛


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