讲述了有史以来最强大、最具破坏性的装置的故事。了解人类如何利用这种令人难以置信的力量,以及自 1945 年以来我们面临的挑战。通过新修复的核武器镜头(其中一些最近才被解密),走进第一颗原子弹的幕后,揭示它是如何开发的以及它如何改变地球,开创了一个新时代,并重塑了我们今天的生活。1950 年代和 60 年代炸弹试验的罕见镜头展示了核爆炸的威力和奇特而引人注目的美感。
聆听最重要的核弹历史学家理查德·罗兹 (Richard Rhodes)、前国防部长威廉·佩里 (William Perry) 和前国务卿乔治·舒尔茨 (George Shultz) 以及科学家、武器设计师、飞行员、证人以及与核弹一起生活和工作的普通男女的见解。审视社会已经做出并将继续做出的选择,与可能摧毁地球的发明共存。
The Bomb tells the story of the most powerful and destructive device ever invented. Learn how humans harnessed this incredible power and what challenges we have faced living with it since 1945. With newly restored footage of nuclear weaponry, some of which has only recently been declassified, go behind the scenes of the first atomic bomb, revealing how it was developed and how it changed the planet, ushering in a new era and reshaping our lives even today. Rare footage from bomb tests through the 1950s and 60s demonstrates the power and strangely compelling beauty of nuclear explosions.
Hear from foremost nuclear bomb historian Richard Rhodes, former Secretary of Defense William Perry, and former Secretary of State George Shultz, as well as from scientists, weapons designers, pilots, witnesses, and ordinary men and women who have lived and worked with the nuclear bomb. Examine the choices society has made–and continues to make–to live with an invention that could destroy the planet.