Detailed, practical guide to increasing your Web traffic through better search results Wonder how some companies pop up high in search engine rankings? It’s all about search appeal. Master the strategies, techniques, and shortcuts in this detailed guide and you can improve your Web site’s search rankings and drive the targeted traffic you want to your virtual door. Learn new ways to add social media to the SEO mix, make your site mobile Web-friendly, write SEO tags for maximum exposure, and more. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is hot; the online advertising market is expected to grow at 34% CAGR between 2005 and 2010, and nine out of ten companies are estimated to be implementing SEO strategies Find out how to get listed in the major search engines, directories, and indexes, and learn strategies for planning and implementing a successful SEO campaign Take advantage of the case studies of readers who implemented the SEO techniques outlined in the first edition of this book and significantly improved search rankings Discover how to target and reach the customers you really want; optimize your site specifically for Google, MSN, or Yahoo ; demystify the role of links and linking in search; implement social media and mobile search optimization; and analyze your SEO efforts to see what works If you want to make SEO work for you, the new edition of this practical book is what you need to succeed.


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